Knights of Columbus Roundtable A men’s fraternal organization committed to spiritual growth that is open to all Catholic men age 18 and older. The Knights respond to parish and community needs. The St. James Roundtable is the parish arm of the Eau Claire Knights of Columbus John F. Kennedy Council #1257. Contact Terry Griffin (see right)
parish council of catholic women (pccw)
St James Parish Council of Catholic Women This women’s group assists in religious, educational, social and economic endeavors of the parish. General meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month. The PCCW is open to women of the parish 18 years of age or older. Contact Jan Legge (see right)
We are: Women of Service:
We serve funeral lunches
We offer assistance to Dove residents who attend Thursday Mass
We provide activities for residents at Dove; apple pie making and bingo
We provide hospitality after Thanksgiving services
We provide hospitality for the Mission and on Sundays
We deliver Christmas Poinsettias and cookies to the homebound
We supervise and organize church cleaning
We make Baptismal gowns, quilts and lap robes
We actively support all charitable collections sponsored by St James
We sponsor bake sales to raise funds for charitable works
We are: Women of Charity:
We provide scholarships to eighth graders beginning High School at Regis
We provide monies to: Triniteam, Family Promise, Sojourner House, Literacy Volunteers, Stand in the Light Memory Choir, Just Us Walk for Justice, St Francis Indian Mission, St James Religious Ed, St James School, Books to St James classrooms, St James Walk for Virtues, Sonshine Days and Our Sister Parish in Puerto Rico.
We provide money for the needy of the parish
We send Easter gifts to the Diocesan Seminarians (28 in 2018)
We give Christmas gifts to Parish Staff
We purchase items as needed for the kitchen and the rectory
We send greeting cards to the sick of the Parish
We are: Women of Prayer:
We always pray at our meetings.
We offer Masses for our deceased members
We recite a rosary at each funeral for women of St James
We strive to live quiet lives of virtue and prayer as we give of ourselves for St James and the Whole Church.